The earth is in grave danger, and we all need to dig deep, step up to the plate and do all we can to turn a corner for a better future. Displeased with old bitch, Zeus crippled her by chopping it in half. Zeus was the first, Zeus last, the lightning's lord, Zeus head, Zeus center, all things are from Zeus... Zeus alone first cause of all. Honeystly I like parrotst as much as I do liverwurst. Get on the bottle you damn democrats! It's a less polite way of saying go have sexual intercourse with yourself.

Cold season

Hello!I have worked for the past three days, without respite forces. New batch of goods has came to the warehouse. In the container were a lot of frozen products, I kept a record of the shipment. I am not a storekeeper, because I work in the company which supplies customers with frozen fish and products. To be honest I don't know what that fish is for, but I suppose that it eatable. Generally the company sells all that can be frozen. I have opened one crate with goods and saw - frozen teddy bear, bush legs, automotive parts, construction helmets and fish. As I understand this is for Eskimos only. I was running for 3 days around with a club and chasing curious people off, who tried to get into the container. I did this, so that they...

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As you understand that the articles on this site are so unique and exclusive, therefore they are published monthly. The point is that the information flow is so big that a toilet bowl overflows. Therefore it is necessary to draw information from other sources. But if to be honest, I say that I'm t not getting information from any newspapers, news or other TV programs. Why do I need to load up my head with a random crap, when it's already covered with sawdust?A couple of arrogant woodpeckers...

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Hello party ppl! Recently, I have read a lot about programming languages, but haven't understood anything, and began to read about the art of management. From this book I realized that a man can manage everything. Actually, I understood it when I was studying at the university. I got into the tractor and began to manage. This was my last management, because the driver threw me out from the cab and hit my head with a bucket. Then I was layin in the bushes about for a long time and communicated...

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Soon there will be so many different holidays! During the holidays I plan to sell a lot of wastepaper and a little bit of raspberry, collected from the bushes. I have an idea about earnings - to repair my house, because it is made ofpackages of a yogurt. I lova lova yogurt, it flows over my head and I always sticky. Flies are sitting on me. In July, will be a great holiday - the World Day of Architecture. In honor of this, I decided to ruin my house and build a new one. It'senought to build...

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What a wonderful day today, I was lying under a bush in the garden. Suddenly I heard the air-raid warning. I got very frightened and ran into the house to get a wooden rifle (which was given to me by a wise Indian) and then ran to the front lines. Thank God it was a training test. Then people told me that in the sky  was flying rook, which was mistaken for an enemy aircraft. The sky must be clear for the birds, kites and clouds. By the way Microsoft has stolen some clouds for Windows 95.On...

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No war

Hello!The situation over North Korea is heating up, meanwhile in the southern part people continue to dance. What else is left to do, when {rokbox title=|| text=|someone| size=|561 350|}images/stories/snipa.jpg{/rokbox} is aiming at you with a rifle? Many people know, that the people of Korea - ethnically one. Yes, they are similar to each other, then it is true. But what this nation cannot divide?Koreans eat the same rice, but in the southern part this rice poured with sauce Uncle Balns...

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Wall Street again prevents me from earning money! Whos does not know what is Wall Street, let me explain. This is a street where many stones are piled in, so no one can pass throught. This article is for businessman in general. Brokers in stock market - sick people, they have nerves not ok.They are screaming, throwing papers, spitting on the floor and on each other. I think if the indexes will drop at the stock market - stock brokers will get frightened.They will turn into doves and shit...

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I want to congratulate you with Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! I wish you that all sorts of smelly goats didn't lie to you, bad people, unfortunately always lie. Beware of injustice in all its forms. Remember that under a noble beard of Santa Claus can be evil smile of crocodile. But no so bad, because Santa Claus have a fake, unreal, very very unreal, not real beard, which can be taken off and can be eaten, because in his beard can be found a food remains. It's very delicious.In the...

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