The earth is in grave danger, and we all need to dig deep, step up to the plate and do all we can to turn a corner for a better future. Displeased with old bitch, Zeus crippled her by chopping it in half. Zeus was the first, Zeus last, the lightning's lord, Zeus head, Zeus center, all things are from Zeus... Zeus alone first cause of all. Honeystly I like parrotst as much as I do liverwurst. Get on the bottle you damn democrats! It's a less polite way of saying go have sexual intercourse with yourself.

Golden Age

Not long ago the Rio Olympics ended with a spectacular closing ceremony. At this point I was in the bathroom and washed a dirty horse, which ran away from the Gypsies and then she came to me. A little bit later I dressed her in the nightgown and locked her in the attic. After a while, the Gypsies attacked my house and I had to call the police (SWAT team had been notified too) and a helicopter to evacuate my rubber dolls. In this stressful time I ate half a kilo of garlic and all smoothed out, because garlic kills worms and also keeps evil spirits away.There were many controversies at the Olympic Games, the subject was - the use of performance-enhancing drugs. I also ate a green cucumber and felt like a champion, also I greased some black...

full story

Important information

Hello! Before getting around on this website please read this news letter. Thank you.                      

Legendary Time

Hello party people!For many years I'm telling you about pokemon and I reveal secrets - is there any life in the trash can. By the way, I never forgot that on this site there are a lot of business streams. Who came here for the first time or got out from the burning tank, you should know - you came here because of the love of naked penguins have brought you here. Rays of goodness sanctified you and God sent grace  through the transmitter, which this website is. Alright, let's not speak like...

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Dear my readers and members of the club! Soon there will be the biggest update that ever was, real explosion! The update will be somewhere in May! Please be patience!   Thank you, follow up the news.  

New seazon

As I said that in this news release will be a powerful turning point in IT, new strategy and website content update. But because of the crisis and the collapse of the currency markets I have become much poorer. I do not keep money in the bank, I kept them in my pants and in the three-liter jar. Not long time ago I made a fire to cook a meal and bought some sausages in the market. After I ate, I had a swollen stomach and I was very scared. I was scared that the food will go through my earsand...

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Summer heat

Hi there!I heard somewhere that breeding rabbits is a very profitable business. But this World is in trouble, the situation is getting worse every day - there is a clear confrontation (opposition) of the most powerful countries on the Planet. Which is reflected in the economic,political and military terms. The following information was obtained from reliable sources: politicians decide all their issues in the bath. The bathhouse is located somewhere in Africa in the Sahara desert. They are...

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Hello!In general, I've been selling potatoes on this site and many farmers were not satisfied. They wrote me an angry letter full of threats, and in the envelope was a horse's head. I got scared, because I thought that this letter was written by mafia.Later, I have realized that it was a scarecrow and then I remembered that I have ordered this scarecrow in carnival shop. Also farmers wrote me that I keep my potatoes in the crapper, then I put them out and sell them. Thank them for the...

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 Hello!I have heard the good news, soon there will be winter Olympiad 2014 in Sochi! There, everyone can ride a toboggan and jump with a parachute. I also know that in the winter you can go skiing and you can take a shotgun and shoot at the flying saucer. In winter you can do anything you want, for example - to ride a deer. But the fact is that, not all the deers want to be ridden, that's why you need to convince them. Sometimes these beasts have to fight with us, thus they are fighting...

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