The earth is in grave danger, and we all need to dig deep, step up to the plate and do all we can to turn a corner for a better future. Displeased with old bitch, Zeus crippled her by chopping it in half. Zeus was the first, Zeus last, the lightning's lord, Zeus head, Zeus center, all things are from Zeus... Zeus alone first cause of all. Honeystly I like parrotst as much as I do liverwurst. Get on the bottle you damn democrats! It's a less polite way of saying go have sexual intercourse with yourself.


Few days ago i was in the zoo.There was bad air,because the zoo keepers have not cleaned up the elephant.I became scared and i decided that i need a toilet.I scared that someone could rob me in the toilet.I decided to wait.Suddenly i  saw the boy,who throws stones in a bear,which? was in a cage.I got mad,then i took a brick and have put him in the mouth of the bad boy.Had made a good act,i ran away.Further i saw in a cage of  macaques.They have started to tease me.I become scared and ran away.While i was walking in a zoo i saw hippopotamus,who was screaming.Probably he was badly feed.The day was hot and i  decided to buy an ice cream.But suddenly i have lost my appetite.I saw a parrot,one of his leg was missing,which was selling an...

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Fairy Tale

Once the wolf  came to Bill Clinton,he has asked:-Guess,what smell at the main office of the Microsoft?-There smells as the original version of Windows XP : Clinton has answeredUnexpectedly the fox came into a room and has started to shout:-Lie! There smells like the newest version of FireFox!!!Suddenly the donkey came into a room and has started to shout:-Close the mouth! The Internet Explorer will glory!Suddenly the penguin came into a room and has started to shout :-You are the...

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Plug,the White House,a Potato(Grotesque)

Once i went to the White House on excursion.I wished to sell a few potatoes and to buy a presidential plug.More precisely to tell not to buy,(impudently) to take from the kitchen.I didn't went on excursion.Security has not let me in.Gorillas! I was upset.I have taken a shovel and have started to dig a trench to the house.I have counted to five seconds.There have arrived hospital attendants,for me.I have told that - i am a mole,they have released me.I has gone home.Unexpectedly i saw a...

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Dream or real event?

Hello people!Before financial crisis i worked as the seller of lemonade.I had a trailer with a liquid,from which i poured to people in(t) glasses.But something has left from under the control and people have started to be poisoned with lemonade.All city had a diagnosis - a diarrhea.People have revenged me,they have cut down my house on fire wood.I had to live on a tree.I slept headfirst,because kept legs for a branch.I have decided to be arranged for other work.I was arranged on a...

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  Soon there will be a grandiose event! And now,enjoy.On all questions just - Contact me.Thank you,follow up the news!


    I have understood that one of ways to earn – advertising.Now you can place advertising on a site.Above,below,at the left on the right.On all questions write to me on e-mail or leave comments or contact me All Africa reads my roots,Antarctica and penguins, the Europe,Asia,America and camels.I with pleasure(w)shall place your advertising. Thank you for attention! Follow up the news!

Just tell me - why?

  Hello!People think – (why)this site has been created? This site has been created for kind people,which are able to read and 2 chew.I’m not the greedy person,also shall not say lies.For example:Give me the money it is necessary to buy ointment!!! The hemorrhoids has tortured!!!It is necessary money for treatment.I often think why people for the sake of money are ready on any bad businesses? Why it is impossible to earn them fairly? Why the some people love each other because of...

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Spring theses from Chuck Norris

Theses have been found in a diary.Chuck Norris.  1.Do You wish to clean a teeth with taste of honey? - Climb in a beehive and take the honey.2.Do You wish to sell the president? - Collect it in parts.Legs, Hands e.t.c.3.Do You wish to be a Chuck Norris - Change a look of your face.4.Do You want a fashionable hairdress? - Thrust fingers in the socket.5.Do You wish to hide? - Climb to the woman under a skirt.6.Do You wish to be a thick? – Become a thin.7.Do You wish to become...

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