The earth is in grave danger, and we all need to dig deep, step up to the plate and do all we can to turn a corner for a better future. Displeased with old bitch, Zeus crippled her by chopping it in half. Zeus was the first, Zeus last, the lightning's lord, Zeus head, Zeus center, all things are from Zeus... Zeus alone first cause of all. Honeystly I like parrotst as much as I do liverwurst. Get on the bottle you damn democrats! It's a less polite way of saying go have sexual intercourse with yourself.

Summer Sun

Yesterday i was reading the newspaper, there was an article,about how good to go to the toilet after a big meal.I got scared and ran to the toilet.But it's not the main discus.Many people think that this site is a crap and here we talk only about evil beavers.But its not right.Each article has a deep meaning.This articles not just tells you about naked penguins and about ears of Tony Blair.When you read this site, think that its is very important book,which must be read and retold.Tell it to homeless for some food,but its not necessarily,Read this book,eat some bun and go to sleep.At The next day everything will change and you'll be fine.You hear it? In the bushes some one smells.There is a fish waiting for a cat.Im not...

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Spring dreams

I know english i am inglishman.At school we were learning english,thats why i know it so bad.I like to travel.Once i was in London,i was swimming in Thames.It was good dream and i woke up dirty.Once i was in New-York,it was good dream.I woke up with broken leg.I travel alot because i like to sleep.Our world is very small.Once i went  to the forest to have a nap.I couldn't fall asleep for a while, because i ate some red mushrooms.A little bit later monster have come,i got scared and ran...

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Hello!I am completely forgot that there were holidays.I was in the shower,cleaning a steel foot of my robot.Then i went to sleepand forgot.There was a new year night - marry christmas!!! There was a birthday of a flying pelican - happy new year!! And others holidays.Congratulations,be happy and healthy,snowman will not disturb your life any more.Soon there will b spring and i am happy to congratulate you.In the spring the sun shines and the small fish,nanny-goat and little bear wakes up...

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Its a summer time! Im very happy like a chicken.I don't care about snow,beacuse my shovel swims with me in the river.There also swims malicious wild boar.I h decided to buy a gun to frighten a wild boar,beacuse he is not letting me to swim in the river.I was mistaken and have bought some sweets.I ate a big amount of sweetы to become - Mega Sweet.I don't like Batman - the boar is my hero.At the summer we can swim and chop trees.From wood we can make a book about elf's and boars.Summer is...

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Hello again!

Hi there,Now i live with my grandmother.Yes she still sits in the internet throw the tv and she wathches her  fav programms on radio.My grandmother takes red,blue and green pill every morning,and then runs around the house so i can hear her scream - ''freedom! freedom to jamaica! freedom!''At the morning i have some serious things to do.Im  getting on  a wooden horse and  hunting  drunk drivers.There is a river near my house.Once i threw my favourite toy-penguin into the water and then i...

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Potato: A Tale from the Great Depression


One Hope

Last night i was in a shead sitting on a chair,i was looking at a mop.Suddenly,i undertood everything.This World,this Earth lives for money.Long time ago its was the same issue but nowadays this is evident,that the sky is crying at some point.In the World there are a lot of paper i mean - money.Paper has a power over the people,but the toilet paper is excluded.It doesnt have this power.I don't discover America,all people know that,but no one is warrying about,like me.Someone is...

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Potato Kidds

If someone asks you: what you can cook with potato? Reply will be:chips.But it's not far all the things you can make with it.Long time ago potato fell from the sky.The potato hit some people's heads.Many people were injured,they even hadflactures.But no one is dead.Then came Garry Potter and said that it was a meal.Bon Appetit! That was a little story.A human being needs to eat potato,because it's like an eternal bread.Always keep it in your pocket.If a bandit want to rob you,put a...

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